Weekly Budget Planner – Excel Tool


Gain more confidence about the back end of your business by keying in the yearly costs of your business into the fields displayed and hit the button to FIND OUT how much it costs to open your doors each week. GST, PAYG on wages plus oncosts, PAYG on the business as well as your Return on Investment are all included in this budget.


“Why just budget to pay others, it’s just as important to pay yourself and get the ROI from the money you’ve invested in your business”


Accountants can make it all look hard yet we simplify the process and show you where you can improve your bottom line profits. Combine that with a plan of action and you can turn your business into a profitable business in no time.


Make your salons business decisions based on fact rather than emotion and enrol your team in what it means to them.


This tool has a graph that shows your team where the income is going and helps them understand why they need to be more consistent in achieving their own personal targets.

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