Productivity Gap – Excel Tool


This tool works out the true potential of your salon measuring the number services your team is performing each week against industry benchmarks.


Then it tells you how much your business could be making if the clients were being serviced correctly. NO EXTRA CLIENTS are included in this gap, so when you add that to the equation you will see what areas you need to be marketing stronger and areas you need to increase your training with the team to deliver.


Your data collection software is a great to collect the information; however it does not tell you what you need to do to improve the overall profitability of your business. This tool compliments all data collection point of sale software by collating the data into an understandable format that answers the “how do I improve question.”


We go one step further with this information by using visually stimulating graphs to highlight areas you need to improve.


This tool is great to use for the SALON FIGURES OVERALL plus it is a great tool to use with INDIVIDUAL TEAM MEMBERS RESULTS. The same tool doubles for both.


The “how to” is explained when you load the software and put the data in the coloured bits of the calculator.

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