Team Member Cost Per Person – Excel Tool


This tool is the jewel in the crown.


Your team members think for sure you have just pulled a figure from the air when you set them targets in order for them to achieve incentives.


We help you set the GOALS and INCENTIVES based on all the financial costs incurred to employ a stylist


IMPORTANT: You need to get your stylists involved in the process of goal setting and this tools breaks up all the costs incurred when you hire your stylists.


We encourage you to show them the results of this calculation.


For example – a stylist that earns $600 Gross Income per week thinks that is all they are costing you, yet when you add oncosts like super etc it works out to be $733/week, more if they use a receptionist to help them.


When they see it in print and see how much the oncosts add up, it does make sense to them and they take onboard why you need them to be achieving their target before incentives are paid.


This calculator also has a unique feature on the last page of it, it also has the ability to show you who your most profitable stylists are over a three month period.


So many great stylists leave salons because they consistently achieve over their targets and are rarely rewarded for this effort.


So you could say this tool has many benefits:
1. You can work out what your stylists need to make before you can afford to pay incentive bonuses
2. It enrols your stylists in the Goal Setting Process and they can see the actual costs associated with them working with you
3. It can stop you losing a dynamic stylist because you have overlooked their consistent high achievement.

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