Team Meeting Ideas Book – Downloadable PDF


The Team Meetings Ideas Booklet is designed to support the process of involving staff in the business and addressing many topics that need to be addressed in Team Meetings, assisting all team members in servicing clients more efficiently and effectively.

With over 65 Unique concepts for you to follow from consultation techniques, retail promotion to motivational sessions and personal development meetings.

Re-energise your team meetings today.


Team Meeting Ideas Booklet


65 Team Meeting Ideas to make your meetings fun and inspiring


Never get stuck for an inspiring Team Meeting again. IMAGINE your team actually holding the meetings. IT IS NOT A DREAM it can be a reality with this tool.


Why is it that everyone is busy when
you try and call a meeting as a team?


The answer is simple.
The meetings are boring and the
team are rarely involved in them.


You have heard the quote, feed a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.


Why not get your team to give the meetings, even better yet, give them this booklet that has 65 great meetings that can go for 10 minutes or you can build on the topic and it can be a full training session on that topic.


Here are the categories our 65 meetings are listed under in our Team Meeting Ideas Booklet


√ Consultation Techniques

√ Retail Promotion

√ Motivational Sessions

√ Personal Development


What most salon owners are asking today is “HOW DO I MOTIVATE MY TEAM and KEEP THEM MOTIVATED?”


ANSWER: Meet with them regularly, have an agenda and stick to it, make it fun and involve them in the meeting.


It is that simple, also the bribe of food in the early days doesn’t go astray.


Keep your meetings to the time you set and don’t get off track or you will find they won’t want to come to them again.


In this booklet we have an outline of what to do and not to do at team meetings to keep them motivating and inspiring sessions your team want to attend regularly.

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