
“The original PROFIT TOOL”
All the electronic tools you need for reducing the time spent analysing the data to improve salon profits. Industry KPI’s explained and calculated with the press of one button. You make more fact based decision as opposed to emotional driven decisions about the profitability of your business. These tools are exclusive to Salon Advantage.


Increase your Profits and make more decisions based on Fact!


“FIND out once and for all HOW MUCH IT COSTS to open your doors and identify where you can improve bottom line PROFIT$$$”


This is the most powerful business development tool on the market SPECIFIC TO OUR HAIRDRESSING INDUSTRY so it makes sense to read on and see how it can help you grow your business.


FACT: Less than 10% of salon owners are aware of how much
it costs to open the doors each week.


SOLUTION: Get business savvy and use the tools that make the
difference, not just make you feel good. Tap into Industry Key
Performance Indicators and learn how to read what they are
telling you.


6 easy to use business calculators that will show you how your business is tracking and identify where you need to spend your valuable time to INCREASE YOUR PROFITS.


Industry KPI’s are contained in these tools and your business analysed with the press of one button.


SO…. Here are the tools included in this DISC



Analysis Tool 1 Productivity Gap Calculator


This tool works out the true potential of your salon measuring the number services your team is performing each week against industry benchmarks.


Then it tells you how much your business could be making if the clients were being serviced correctly. NO EXTRA CLIENTS are included in this gap, so when you add that to the equation you will see what areas you need to be marketing stronger and areas you need to increase your training with the team to deliver.


Your data collection software is a great to collect the information; however it does not tell you what you need to do to improve the overall profitability of your business. This tool compliments all data collection point of sale software by collating the data into an understandable format that answers the “how do I improve question.”


We go one step further with this information by using visually stimulating graphs to highlight areas you need to improve.


This tool is great to use for the SALON FIGURES OVERALL plus it is a great tool to use with INDIVIDUAL TEAM MEMBERS RESULTS. The same tool doubles for both.


The “how to” is explained when you load the software and put the data in the coloured bits of the calculator.


Analysis Tool 2 Weekly Budget Planner

Gain more confidence about the back end of your business by keying in the yearly costs of your business into the fields displayed and hit the button to FIND OUT how much it costs to open your doors each week. GST, PAYG on wages plus oncosts, PAYG on the business as well as your Return on Investment are all included in this budget.


“Why just budget to pay others, it’s just as important to pay yourself and get the ROI from the money you’ve invested in your business”


Accountants can make it all look hard yet we simplify the process and show you where you can improve your bottom line profits. Combine that with a plan of action and you can turn your business into a profitable business in no time.


Make your salons business decisions based on fact rather than emotion and enrol your team in what it means to them.


This tool has a graph that shows your team where the income is going and helps them understand why they need to be more consistent in achieving their own personal targets.


Analysis Tool 3 Sales Trend Analysis

Identify what times of the year you need to market your business stronger. Marketing plans are great; however on what facts do you base your decisions?


This tool identifies the highs and lows of your business performance, now you can set your marketing plan with confidence.


Use this tool to project out salon targets for the upcoming year based on last year’s performance. Again fact based decisions and a plan on how you can achieve it.


Analysis Tool 4 Productivity/Cost per person formulae

This tool is the jewel in the crown.


Your team members think for sure you have just pulled a figure from the air when you set them targets in order for them to achieve incentives.


We help you set the GOALS and INCENTIVES based on all the financial costs incurred to employ a stylist


IMPORTANT: You need to get your stylists involved in the process of goal setting and this tools breaks up all the costs incurred when you hire your stylists.


We encourage you to show them the results of this calculation.


For example – a stylist that earns $600 Gross Income per week thinks that is all they are costing you, yet when you add oncosts like super etc it works out to be $733/week, more if they use a receptionist to help them.


When they see it in print and see how much the oncosts add up, it does make sense to them and they take onboard why you need them to be achieving their target before incentives are paid.


This calculator also has a unique feature on the last page of it, it also has the ability to show you who your most profitable stylists are over a three month period.


So many great stylists leave salons because they consistently achieve over their targets and are rarely rewarded for this effort.


So you could say this tool has many benefits:


  1. You can work out what your stylists need to make before you can afford to pay incentive bonuses
  2. It enrols your stylists in the Goal Setting Process and they can see the actual costs associated with them working with you
  3. It can stop you losing a dynamic stylist because you have overlooked their consistent high achievement.


Analysis Tool 5 Salon Averages Formulae

RETAIL is the Hidden Profit Centre in so many salons, and you don’t need to have your family inheritance tied up in stock to do it.


Imagine earning an 844% return on your investment, even in today’s economy. We have salons increasing their bottom line profit in excess of 115% in October 2008.


Learn how to do this with your stock investment calculator. Turning over stock means you need to value it as an important Profit Centre in your business.


Analysis Tool 6 Salon Averages Formulae

This calculator helps you set the goals for the salon, breaking them into service and retail at the push of a button. It is also great for use when setting individual team member targets.


Breaking the goal into Service and Retail Goals means your stylists become aware that there are many needs that clients come to your salon to have solved. It’s about looking for more than the obvious when servicing clients.



The disc is downloaded onto your computer and a desktop icon is created so you can find the files quickly. Each tool has a main data collection page where your salon data is entered and with the click of a button you can find out the real financial health of your salon and so much more.


We have kept it simple, you just input the figures in the coloured areas of each calculator and there is a description next to each box about what you need to enter.


To run this program you only need Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point and if you get stuck installing it, then email me at and I will step you through the installation process personally.


“These analysis tools were created because we identified a need to have industry specific tools that could empower you as a salon owner and stop those CASHFLOW TIGHT times of the year, and we want to share them with you”


Take back control of your business TODAY and make more money in the process. We have the NUTS and BOLTS of your business covered with this dynamic Profit Calculator.

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